Metal Case Bending Caulking Machine
This machine feeds electrical parts into cases which are fed automatically. Then it bends the edge of cases and caulks the cases with heat.
・Cycle time:1.2sec/pc -
IrDA Assembly Machine
This machine feeds modules into cases automatically. Then presses fit them.
・Cycle time:0.8sec/pc -
Switch Assembly Machine
This machine assembles 7 parts which are components of a switch automatically and does specified inspections.
・Cycle time:2sec/pc -
Glass Tube Fuse Assembly Machine
This machine assembles caps and glass tubes after applying adhesive in the cap.
・Cycle time:0.7sec/pc -
Cap Sealing Assembly Machine
This machine assembles electrical parts and metal caps and seals with UV ink. This machine is applicable for 3 types of works and the setting time is 5 minutes.
・Cycle time:4.5sec/pc -
Ceramic Resonator Assembly Machine
This machine assembles 6 parts of ceramic resonator. High accuracy and reliability with a cam.
・Cycle time:1sec/pc -
Communication Module Assembly Macine
This machine assembles electrical parts and cases for communications and tape them after wlwctric characteristic inspecting.
・Cycle time:1sec/pc -
Crystal Oscillator Insulation Pad Assembly Machine
This machine puts CAN type crystal oscillator and insulation pad together and checks the height of terminals after bending them.
・Cycle time:1sec/pc
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