Needle Assembly Machine
This machine puts cannulas on hubs and after applying epoxy adhesive on the cannulas, dry them at the drying furnace for 15 minutes. Then put silicon on the tip of needles and cover them with protectors.
・Cycle time:1sec/3pcs
Special Needle Assembly Machine
This machine assembles 4 parts ( hub, cannula, cap,holder). Also it inspects the length of needles, shape of needles and other specified items by using images.
・Cycle time:1sec/pc -
Indwelling Needle Assembly Machine
This machine inserts needles into hubs which are fed to jigs by hand and check the tip of needles. After applying adhesive, UV light is irradiated to make adhesive harden. At last, it inspects the length and direction of needles.
・Cycle time:2sec/pc
Protection Plug Package Assembly Line
This machine feeds protection plug to cases automatically and seal them with paper lids after punching out them.
・Cycle time:5sec/pc -
50mℓ Syringe Assembly Machine
This machine assembles 3 parts (outer cylinder, gasket, plunger).
・Cycle time:1sec/pc -
Dental Capsule Assembly Machine
This machine feeds caps and nozzles automatically and screw bodies into them. After that, check the torque of it.
・Cycle time:1sec/pc -
Retainer Assembly Machine
This machine assemble retainer for automobile use and hoop springs which are stamped out from sheets.
・Cycle time:1.5sec/pc -
On-board Relay Assembly Machine
This machine assembles motor for automobile use. Four machines are connected.
・Cycle time:2sec/pc -
On-board Camera Module Assembly Machine
This machine assembles 5 parts consists of camera module for automobile use.
・Cycle time:4.5sec/pc -
Metal Case Bending Caulking Machine
This machine feeds electrical parts into cases which are fed automatically. Then it bends the edge of cases and caulks the cases with heat.
・Cycle time:1.2sec/pc
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